I love to cook and would like to share the recipes I am trying and making each week!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Reverse Dolma

Dolma is a Meze common in Turkey, Greece and the Balkans. It is essentially a rice stuffed grape leaf.

Dolma in Turkish means "stuffed". In this dish the grape leaf is stuffed into the rice.

Ingredients (Makes 6 to 7 Reverse dolma)
3 Grape Leaves (pickled)
1.5 Cups Rice
3 tbsp Parmesan Cheese
5 tbsp Olive Oil
1/2 cup Mozzarella Cheese
1 tbsp flour

Boil rice with about 2.5 cups of water. It is okay to stir the rice as it is being boiled as you want it to be more sticky. When the rice is finished add the flour and Mozzarella into the rice to help give it more stickiness. Then let the rice cool.

The filling in the rice is going to be a grape leaf pesto. Combine the grape leaves, olive oil and Parmesan together in a blender and blend until smooth.

To form the reverse dolma, take a ball of the sticky rice and put it onto a floured surface. Shape the ball into a rectangle that is about 3 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. It should also be about a half inch thick and there should be a little well in the middle of the rectangle. This is the bottom of your dolma.

This is how the setup should look:

Place a teaspoonful of the pesto mixture in the well in the rice. Then take another ball
of rice (appx the same amount as used to make the bottom of the dolma) and cover the pesto mixture and rice so that sticky rice is now totally encapsulating the pesto.

Lastly, pan fry the reverse dolma until golden brown in a hot oiled skillet.

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